Getting Started with SwiftUI - ECE 196
What is SwiftUI?
SwiftUI is a framework for developing applications for any Apple device. SwiftUI is written in the language Swift, hence the name.
Download XCode
XCode is the IDE that you will use to develop Swift apps. XCode allows you to write code, preview your app, debug, and deploy to your Apple devices.
You can download XCode here.
3rd Party
- Hacking with Swift - 100 Days of SwiftUI: Will introduce you to the Swift language, then ease you into using SwiftUI.
- Hacking with Swift - SwiftUI by Example: A large collection of SwiftUI idioms, examples of common things you may want to do.
- SwiftOnTap: SwiftUI database, gifs showing off how SwiftUI components work and look.
It is common for teams to want to develop an iOS app that communicates with their device via BLE.
To learn more, do the Full Stack assignment.