ESP32 Communicaation Over WiFi !
Introduction In this tutorial we will teach you how to use a python script to communicate with your ESP32! In a previous tutorial you learn how to send signals over the serial peripheral interface (SPI), now we will teach you how to send signals wirelessly. We hope this short simple tutorial can help kickstart your project so you don’t have to tirelessly search online watching YouTube videos and reading forums like we did!
December 6, 2024
Servos with ESP32 DevBoard
Introduction After finishing this tutorial you will know how to control servos using an ESP32 Envision DevBoard! Expanding your component knowledge is essential for being able to create new projects. Servos can be applied in different projects relating to smart locks, robotic arms, and more!. This tutorial demonstrates how to control a servo motor using CircuitPython without relying on external libraries for Servos. Instead, we’ll directly generate PWM signals to control the servo.
December 6, 2024
Battery Indicator with ESP32
Introduction This tutorial will teach readers how to use ESP32’s ADC pins to measure a battery’s charge. Since the ADC pins can take in a max of 3.3V, we will be covering how to implement a voltage divider to lower the maximum voltage of a battery to an amount allowed by the ESP32. For the coding section, we will use the Arduino IDE to write code that will read, display, and convert the battery readings to a charge percentage using a function.
November 21, 2024